Pulling/Fetching rows from any Salesforce object to Google Sheets using MySalesData G-Sheets Connector for Salesforce | mysalesdata.com

In order to pull/fetch any data from Salesforce objects to Google Sheets - Best Connector for Salesforce has a tool called SOQL Builder. To use it you have to navigate to Add-ons->Best Connector for Salesforce->Pull data using SOQL Builder

the dialog will appear:

It allows you to create Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL)  using simple wizard. also the query you build you can save as a template in order to avoid preparing it again. The builder also has some features that allows you to build the query faster by selecting all columns -"Check ALL", it allows you to select only that that are editable "Check Editable" and also you can hide read only columns if you are preparing the row-set that will be edited in the future.

Before you can select the columns to the query you have to select the object FROM where you will pull the rows.

When the query is build you can add the filters to it using where clause or using LIMIT options to limit amount of rows and grab only TOP rows from the object.