- How to login to Salesforce PROD or Sandbox;
You must have the active Salesforce account
in order to login. Press LOGIN and select PROD or SANDBOX you will be redirected to salesforce page where you can enter you login and password
and then after the authorization you can close this page. - Get data from Salesforce using “Pull data from Reports”;
You can see the list of all you reports and select
one needed and get the data from it to the new Google Sheet. Please note that if you already populated the current sheet the new page will be created - Get data from Salesforce using the “Pull data using SOQL Builder” ;
After selecting this menu item one will see the SOQL Builder form. At first you will select the table/object from the list you want to work with in the form “FROM”. In the list one will see only the objects that one have the access to by security rules. In the next step you have to select the columns you want to add to a request there is no limit for the columns number. It is recommended that you apply the filter to your request to limit the data getting from Salesforce in the form “WHERE” you can select columns and comparison operators for the filter. Comparison operators test whether two expressions are the same. Comparison operators can be used on all expressions. The following table lists the SOQL
comparison operators.
Operator Meaning
= (Equals) Equal to
> (Greater Than) Greater than
< (Less Than) Less than >= (Greater Than or Equal To) Greater than or equal to
<= (Less Than or Equal To) Less than or equal to
<> (Not Equal To) Not equal to
!= (Not Equal To) Not equal to Logical operators test for the truth of some condition.To explain LIKE , IN and NOT IN please see the example below with the object Account as a sample.
Operator LIKE can be applied only to the string values. you can build such query :SELECT email FROM Account WHERE name LIKE ‘%ro%the result of this operation
will be rows where the NAME is «Bron», «Ron», «Rob»
“IN” determines whether a specified value matches any value in a subquery or a list.Example:SELECT id FROM Account WHERE email in
(‘born@gmail.com’, ‘bron@gmail.com’, ‘james@gmail.com’). This SOQL will return 2,3,4
“NOT IN” determines whether a specified value does not match any value in a subquery or a list.Example:SELECT id FROM Account WHERE
email not in (‘born@gmail.com’, ‘bron@gmail.com’, ‘james@gmail.com’). This SOQL returns only 1,5,6 INCLUDES, EXCLUDES – applies only to multi-select picklists. You can limit the record set returning by SOQL using “”LIMIT. if you set the row “LIMIT you SOQL will return no more records then LIMIT defines.Warning!
We don’t advise return more than 200 records once.
If you use “LIMIT” then you can use the query pagination feature by setting field “Page”.For example: if you set field “LIMIT” = 50 and “PAGE”=1 then
first 50 records for query will be returned then you can select “LImit”=50 and “Page”=2 then next records from 51 to 100 will be returned.
Then you can just press “Run Query” and if there are any records that match you request they will be returned to the Google Sheet.
Warning! Do not remove the id column and dont change the value in this column. If you leave this field empty then the new record will be created if you
populate all other required field in other case the “Error” will be raised.
SOQL templates.For a convenient work with the SOQL requests we added the possibility to save SOQL query to the templates. If you use the particular
request on a persistent basis it is better to save it as a named template. If you load any template you can edit the SOQL in it but you cannot overwrite it
you have to save the modified SOWL as a new template.Templates also supported in Time Plans.There is no limit how many templates you can have
if you use unique names for them. - What is the “Describe Object”;
We advise you to use this command before working with any object in Salesforce, It will tell you before editing – the field nature and it’s attributes. - How to “Refresh” data from Salesforce;
“Refresh” allows you to refresh all information using the query that was used to originally populate the page.ral pages selected in multi “DROPDOWN” - Team Editor;
“Team Editor” is used when several people editing the same object in Salesforce using MySalesData Add-on. You can call it and then one will see the changes done by several people to the fields. - Manually Delete data from Salesforce;
This command will open the SIdeBar on the right.
The user must mark the needed id for deletion (they must follow each other ) As soon as the user l mark them they will appear in a SideBar after that
the user must press the “Deletet” button.if the deletion pass well then user will be able to work farther if no then the window will open with the information
for the every record. - Automatic Delete from Salesforce;
At first a user must mark all id fields with red then run Automatic Delete. The addon will pick up the needed records to be deleted.
Warning! If you just removed the rows from Google Sheet the will not be removed from Salesforce.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Best Connector for Salesforce.
- How to login to Salesforce PROD or Sandbox;
- Get data from Salesforce using “Pull data from Reports”;
- Get data from Salesforce using the “Pull data using SOQL Builder” ;
- What is the “Describe Object”;
- How to “Refresh” data from Salesforce;
- Team Editor;
- Manually Delete data from Salesforce;
- Automatic Delete from Salesforce;