Deleting rows from Salesforce object using Best Connector for Salesforce |

In Best Connector add-on for your convenience we added the several ways to delete rows from the Salesforce Object: Manual Delete and Automatic Delete. But before you will use any of this ways you have to populate the Google Sheets with rows from Salesforce object using SOQL Builder. You can select any fields/columns in query builder such as ID column will be added mandatory to the Google Sheet automatically. After the Google Sheets is populated you can use Manual Delete or Automatic Delete such as the Sheet now is associated with Salesforce Object.

Please note – any delete operation from Salesforce object is not reversible – please backup your object before any delete operations or use a snapshot,

When you select Manually Delete:

  • the form on the right side of the Google Sheets will open;
  • you have to select the column that contains ID using that form – usually it is “ID”;
  • you  may select  one or several rows but the rows must be adjacent;
  • after you have selected the rows press Delete button on the right form, confirm the warning and the rows will be deleted;
  • you will see the list of rows ID  that were deleted successfully in this operation in case of the error you will see the error message for every row ID that was not deleted;

Wren you select Automatic Delete:

  • you have to identify Id column and before opening the delete dialog please mark any rows you want to delete in a butch;
  • it can be any amount of rows and they must not be adjacent.  Mark them with red color  (#ff0000) like on the picture below;

  • open the Automatic Delete dialog and select ID column – the one where you marked rows with RED;
  • press AUTO button;
  • the batch delete will start ;
  • after delete is complete one can see the report for all successfully removed rows or errors for every ID
  • this operation after the delete is complete will perform the full sheet refresh with actual data from Salesforce without deleted rows.